Wyncel Joy Chan
Pediatrician at Riley’s Children’s Health Physicians in Indiana
A graduate of Simon Fraser University in Vancouver with a B.S. in Health Science, Wyncel Joy Chan both made the Dean’s List at the school and was honored with the Outstanding Community Service award by her department. She modestly shares, “I knew I wasn’t going to be a perfect 4.0 and this would preclude me from a Canadian school. I met a fellow grad from my high school with spoke highly of Caribbean schools as an alternative.” After researching and choosing Saba over the other Caribbean options for the affordability and class size, Wyncel made great friends at the school. She was actively involved in the community as a Neurology TA, Women’s Medical Association VP, SGA Class Rep, and a Volleyball student representative hosting weekly games.
In her clinical rotations Wyncel confirmed her love for Pediatrics after her core Pediatric rotation in Atlanta. After glowing professional letters from this core, she went on to do a Pediatric Emergency Medicine elective and a sub-internship in General Pediatrics, and then matched into her first choice , a Pediatric Residency at Hurley Children’s Hospital in Michigan. She served as the Hurley Pediatric Resident Wellness Chief, building wellness events and implementing a curriculum to build the best possible relationships between residents, faculty and staff. She was also awarded a CATCH grant as one of the American Academy of Pediatric delegates for her project (entitled “Period Poverty in Schools”) aimed at supporting and advancing the health of children, specifically access to sanitary products.
Wyncel found her dream position in a lovely community and is currently working with Riley’s Children’s Health physicians, a group affiliated with Indiana University Health.
Her advice to fellow Canadians, and others looking at Saba? “Believe me your dream can come true, and Saba gives you that opportunity. The school will give you all the tools you need to do the right electives and sub internships to get that residency. The school is beautiful and secluded and gives you the opportunity to really focus on your studying. In these small classes I made my best friends. I formed an instant bond with the other Saba students. You can trust and believe that they are there as well to work hard and succeed.”
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