98% 1st Time Pass Rate for USMLE Step 1 & 2 (avg. 2018-2022)*
Preparation leads to perfection and Saba’s USMLE Step 1 first-time pass rate results are the proof. Saba’s 98% first-time pass rate in 2022 exceeds the average for U.S. and Canadian MD programs (93%), compares very favorably to U.S. and Canadian DO programs (89%), and significantly outclasses the average for other non-U.S./Canadian MD programs (74%). Saba consistently has the highest USMLE first-time pass rate of any Caribbean medical school.
To best prepare our students for the USMLE Step exams, we provide students with a test center that mirrors the test conditions and environment students will experience during USMLE exams. Furthermore, our dedicated faculty aims to give our students a unique learning experience through one-on-one interactions, and early hands-on training you won’t get at bigger schools.