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SABA Graduate Testimonials

Tasjeel Ansari


Tasjeel Ansari, MD photo

Tasjeel Ansari, MD is a graduate of Saba University School of Medicine and is currently training at his top residency choice in Neurology at the University of Toronto.

Tasjeel became interested in Saba University School of Medicine after completing a B.Sc. in Biology & Biotechnology with highest honors distinction at Carleton University. He encountered a Saba alumnus who spoke highly of Saba and had matched in Canada after graduation.

“I decided to apply and was accepted into the May class. Saba is a terrific island with a great atmosphere. It is a safe and peaceful place to study medicine. The coursework is challenging, but the professors were excellent and I felt prepared.”

During clinical rotations, Tasjeel strived for a rich and diverse clinical experience: “I knew being well-rounded was vital to become a desirable candidate for residency programs. Thanks to Saba, I was able to complete all the electives I desired for clinical rotations. In the US, I was able to complete electives at prestigious institutions including University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center for an interventional radiology elective. I completed four elective rotations in Canada. Among them was a nephrology rotation at McMaster University, and a respirology rotation at Dalhousie University.” 

Tasjeel has always been interested in neurology ever since completing a teaching assistant position for a neuroscience course at Saba. This interest was further intensified during clinical rotations: “During my fourth year, I completed a neurology rotation at the University of Toronto. At that point, I knew I wanted to return home and practice medicine specializing in Neurology.”

Alongside attaining clinical rotations in Canada, scoring highly on the necessary board exams was imperative to Tasjeel’s success: “When I wrote my Canadian exams, I performed in the 99th percentile. I matched in my first residency choice, which was the Adult Neurology Program at the University of Toronto.”

Both scoring in 99th percentile on the Canadian board exams, and completing an elective at the University of Toronto were paramount in securing a residency position in Canada. I was able to demonstrate my clinical skills acquired from my electives in Canada and in the US.”

Currently, Tasjeel is completing his 4th year of residency. He maintains resident membership at the American Academy of Neurology, Canadian Neurological Sciences Federation, and the Canadian Headache Society.

For prospective students

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