Basic Sciences Lab

Basic Sciences

Semesters 1-5 of your Medical Program

Students complete the first part of their education – Basic Science – over the course of five semesters on the Saba campus. In Basic Science you will build the knowledge base about health and disease of the human body that will serve you throughout the rest of your medical career.

To effectively teach and assess the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed by all physicians, Saba has adopted an organ-system approach, which incorporates small-group, hands-on learning sessions. Clinical skills instruction begins in the first week, and is integrated with and progresses throughout the Basic Science curriculum. Students read and analyze current medical literature as it relates to each content area. Research is integrated within the Basic Science curriculum and culminates with students producing a publication – quality paper.


Featured Faculty of Basic Science

Vaughn Huckfeldt Jr

Vaughn Huckfeldt Jr.


Vaughn Huckfeldt, PhD, is the Director of the Center for Student Learning, and had previously served as the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. He is committed to the mission of Saba, which is to provide the opportunity to all students to become practicing clinicians. He sees the strength of the school in its small size, helpful atmosphere, and personal connections. He is focused on helping students succeed and grow both academically and personally so that they can excel in caring for their future patients.

Dr. Huckfeldt has been recognized as an excellent teacher at multiple institutions and has worked to redevelop curricula and design course pedagogy based on evidence-based best practices, as well as his decades of experience as a teacher.

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Rachel Robson

Rachel L. Robson


Originally trained as a journalist, Rachel Robson has worked to reform medical education since she first began her graduate studies in pathology. She observed much of her medical education to be heavy on memorization of acronyms and buzzwords, and light on clear communication and deeper understanding.

In her teaching now, Robson emphasizes conceptual frameworks that unite many separate elements in infectious disease pathology. Robson has helped to redesign Integrated Case Review sessions in her classes, where students actively work in teams to solve a patient case and connect that case to current medical research.

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Are you ready to become a Saba student?

Student Testimonials

"Saba is a welcoming place. The professors are always available and your peers can help you too. There are a lot of resources for you."
"The support you feel at Saba is tremendous. If you want to be a physician and help people, then Saba is a great choice."
"Bring able to use cadavers the same day that you're learning about these systems really cements what you've learned that day."

For prospective students

Saba is committed to supporting prospective students with any questions or queries throughout the application process. Please see the following links for detailed information about each topic:

If the information you are seeking is not provided here, please get in contact by contacting via WhatsApp here.